Our Vision

Our church exists for one purpose and it can be summarized in a single statement:

“We empower people with the word of God to Live, Fullfill and Be.”


a life pleasing to God.


the plan of God for their lives.


the witnesses and ambassadors in the earth for Christ.

Founder and Pastor of Empowerment Word Church, a native of Queens, New York but raised in Birmingham, Alabama, Sean has served in several capacities in the local church for many years under the leadership and guidance of Senior Pastor Dr. Michael Moore, of Faith Chapel Christian Center. His journey began when he was saved at the age of eleven and was mentored by his grandfather who would travel from New York to Birmingham often sharing the gospel of Jesus as he visited with old friends during the summer. It was during those early days that seeds were sown into his heart. Sean has spent over half of his life being a servant. Specifically, he served in the United States Army Reserve, where he retired as an Army Major. He also has served over twenty-one years as a Birmingham police officer.

In 2002, while on active duty in Virginia, God spoke to him about his call to the ministry and with a humble heart and like a good soldier he accepted. In 2010, eight years later during a worship service, God spoke to him again but it was more specific.

God had called him to Pastor. In 2013, Sean and his wife Gwen began holding a Bible study which lasted only one year until God began speaking to him again. Immediately, he knew that God was leading them to start a church. In the summer of 2014, after much prayer and counsel from mentors and close friends, God birthed a vision and desire to plant a new church in the Shelby County area. Sean is passionate about seeing people living fulfilled lives that are pleasing to God and believes the local church is the hope of the world. He believes through the local church, people can be empowered with the word of God and in response promote the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sean is excited to serve in ministry alongside his wife Gwen, his high school sweet heart. They have three wonderful children, Sean Emory, Silas, and Starla. In their spare time, Sean and Gwen enjoy spending time together, visiting friends and catching a good movie.

Every decision, idea, and program we attempt to implement is geared toward our vision. Our desire is to see people living fulfilled lives on purpose for Jesus Christ. Every man, woman, boy and girl should experience the whole life spoken and fulfilled by Christ. We are commissioned to develop a congregation of believers that will operate in their God-given callings and promote the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our vision as a church is based upon a few passages of Scripture in the Bible:

“ For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; 10 that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; 11 strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and long suffering with joy; 12 giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.” Colossians 1:9-12

What To Expect
What To Expect

From the moment you pull onto the property, you will feel the excitement of the Sunday worship experiences at Empowerment Word Church. You will be greeted by our friendly parking team who will help you find a parking spot with ease.

When you enter the building, you will be greeted by our friendly greeters and given information about the service as you make your way into the sanctuary. Services run for approximately 90 minutes. You’ll be encouraged as you hear uplifting contemporary music and listen to a Biblical and practical message by Pastor Sean. If you have any questions along the way, any of our team members would be happy to help you.

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